Helm Loops: Helm Hack #1

Discover how to add Helm Loops to your helm charts to provide more dynamic behavior to your Helm Charts.

Alex Vazquez
4 min readSep 26, 2022
Photo by Syed Hussaini on Unsplash


Helm Charts are becoming the default de-factor solution when you want to package your Kubernetes deployment to be able to distribute or quickly install it in your system.

Defined several times as the apt for Kubernetes for its similarity with the ancient package manager from GNU/Linux Debian-like distributions, it seems to continue to grow in popularity each month compared with other similar solutions even more tightly integrated into Kubernetes such as Kustomize, as you can see in the Google Trends picture below:

But creating these helm charts is not as easy as it shows. If you already have been on the work of doing so, you probably get stuck at some point, or you spend a lot of time trying to do some things. If this is the first time you are creating one or trying to do something advanced, I hope all these tricks will help you on your journey. Today we are going to cover one of the most important tricks, and those are Helm Loops.



Alex Vazquez

PSG Senior Architect at TIBCO Software with a focus on Cloud Development, Event Processing and Enterprise Integration